Photo by Claire Britt


Photo by Claire Britt

Balam Bartolomé

Lazy Peon, 1950

Original crate label / Etiqueta original de contenedor, San Diego County

Certificado firmado / Signed certificate, 2023

Objeto ritual para transformar salud en riqueza / Seasonal ritual object for transforming health into wealth, 2020-2023

Acrylic on rubber avocado and avocado seeds covered with fake gold leaf / Acrílico sobre aguacate de hule y semillas de aguacate cubiertas de hoja de oro falsa


Kirsten Leenaars

A Letter to the City: "jail is not my home,” 2021

Three-channel video / Video en tres canales, 1:04:05


Photo by Claire Britt


Photos by Claire Britt


Ode to the Sea, 2022

Collaged screen prints, wooden base / Serigrafías en collage, bases de madera

Collaged screen print on BFK Rives paper.



Amazon Hires Grow to Meet Demand, 2021

Working for Immigration Reimbursements, 2021

First Doses of Vaccines Arrive in Chicago, 2020

Inkjet print / Impresión con inyección de tinta

Photo by Claire Britt


Photo by Claire Britt


Vidrio, 2022

Oil on canvas / Óleo sobre tela

Dancing in the Hardest Poem, 2021

Oil on canvas / Óleo sobre tela


Amanda Guitierez

Photo by Claire Britt


Photo by Claire Britt


J, from Consonance (2021)

Archival inkjet print / Impresión con inyección de tinta perdurable


Photo by Claire Britt

Israel Martínez

Callar y Tierra, 2023

Stereo audio, 31:36

Alexander Bruck, viola.

Sofía Solórzano, Gilberto Domínguez and Begoña Lomelí, voices / voces.


Daniel Monroy Cuevas

Filo fugaz, 2023

Indice de tránsito y fuga, 2023

Visión nocturna, 2023

Ciego de un ojo, 2023

Soot and acid-free tape on wooden stretcher / Tizne y cinta adhesiva libre de ácido sobre bastidor de madera


Photo by Claire Britt


Héctor Jiménez Castillo + Arrogante Albino

Una habitación, varios invitados (flash), 2022

Watercolor on cotton paper, foam clay / Acuarela sobre papel de algodón y foamy moldeable

ARRRGH, 2021

Video, 24:16


Photos by Claire Britt


Photo by Claire Britt

Chantal Peñalosa

Fong, 2023

Video, 11:48


Susy Bielak

Cerca, 2019

Serigraph on amate (bark paper) / Serigrafía sobre amate


Photo by Claire Britt


Photo by Claire Britt

Selina Trepp

Cape, 2023

Oilstick, oil paint, oil pastel on canvas / Óleo en barra, pastel al óleo sobre lienzo

Carwash, 2023

Acrylic on canvas / Acrílico sobre lienzo


Laleh Motlagh

Quiet Chaos (Lines), 2023

Black felt pen on paper / Pluma negra con punta de fieltro sobre papel

The Cycles, 2023

Dried houseplants from the artist's studio / Plantas secas del estudio de la artista


Photos by Claire Britt